Please click the 'Pay Now' Button below to be redirected to our payment processing page.
*Please allow up to twelve (12) hours for your payment to be applied to your account. If you are paying directly before class or to remove a hold from your account, please call the office to make a payment over the phone.
**If you are paying for someone else, enter their Name or Client ID Number into the description field of the payment processing page.
**If no Name or Client ID Number is entered, or if the name entered does not match any clients name, A Turning Point cannot apply the payment to the correct account, and therefore, is unable to ensure proper application of the payment. If A Turning Point is unable to apply the payment to an account due to no name or Client ID Number, or incorrect name or Client ID Number, provided, the payment will be returned to the payee.
By clicking the 'Pay Now' Button below and making a payment, you agree to the above information regarding returned payments due to A Turning Point being unable to apply the payment to an account due to no information, or incorrect information, being provided.
By clicking the “Pay Now” button above, you agree to all of our Terms and Conditions as outlined in our Privacy Policy, as well as the below Refund Policy.
If you are unsatisfied with any services you have received, contact A Turning Point with your questions and/or concerns. A Turning Point will attempt to resolve the concern(s) to your satisfaction, if possible. A Turning Point will not provide any refunds for services previously provided. A Turning Point is not responsible for any outcome of any declined or reversed payments made through A Turning Point's Payment Processing Page. A Turning Point may provide a payment and treatment summary for all services upon request. Any pre-payment or excess credit, for services not yet provided, may be returned to you upon successful completion or discharge from treatment. If you wish to disenroll yourself from treatment, you must contact A Turning Point as soon as possible. A Turning Point is not responsible for any outcome with any entity of disenrollment from treatment.
At any time, if you believe you were billed incorrectly or in error, or are unsatisfied with any services you have received, you must contact A Turning Point within seventy-two (72) hours of payment or service.
A Turning Point Of Colorado Springs
Copyright © 2024 A Turning Point Of Colorado Springs - All Rights Reserved.